Welcome to my personal page!
I am Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering in Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where I got my PhD in March 2013.
I am part of the BONSAI Lab research group and my work is focused on design, optimization and performance evaluation of telecommunication networks, particularly in the fields of:
- Machine-Learning-assisted networking
- Converged Space-Ground network infrastructure
- Energy-efficient communication networks
- P4-assisted Cybersecurity
- Optical networks architectures
- Network disasters resilience
Check-out more details on my research activity.
I co-authored more than 130 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals and conference proceeding and I am co-recipient of three best paper awards in IEEE-sponsored conferences. Since 2010 I have served as Associate/Guest Editor and Technical Programme Committee Co-Chair and Member and/or reviewer for several IEEE, OSA and Springer journals and conferences in the field of communication networks.